Taking Responsibilities

29 June 2024

Been meaning to write about this topic. Mainly because I personally benefitted a lot from taking responsibilities. Also been observing many people close to me that are not, and suffering. I truly think that if they did, they would have been living life better than they are.

I won't go into the definition of living a good life. That's another topic that requires a lot of thought and discussion. And it's very subjective.

The problem I see in people around me is that they consciously or unconsciously do not want to take responsibilities for things and events that happen in their life. Mainly because blaming others for it makes it easier for them to digest whatever that happened. It gives them an easy way out.

Maybe it is easy to blame the job market for your unemployment/lower-than-ideal salary. Maybe it makes you feel better to blame the 10 interview rounds the company gave. So why not take the easy way out of this emotional turmoil and blame the job market and everyone one else except for me?

The Hard Truth: It doesn't fucking help

Because it doesn't actually fucking help. It's a quick band aid to your emotions to make you feel better when you are in a shit hole. Yes, it does make you feel less of a loser in this situation. But that's about it. It doesn't get you a better job. It doesn't get you a higher salary. It doesn't fucking do anything except to make your pussy little ass feel better about yourself. In the end you are still a loser.

Your game, your controller

The thing is, it is your life. No one will come and save you. The only person who will save you, is you. It really does not matter if someone did you wrong or the situation sucks. It's your life. And you have to own it. Have some agency over your life and take over the control. Stop blaming others for your pathetic life. Get up or get rekt.

Btw, it really doesn't matter if it is not your fault. You can be sabotaged by your coworkers. Your girlfriend can cheat with your best friend. As long as it's your life, it's your responsibility. If you dislike any part of it, you have to fix it yourself. Take responsibility.

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